Helping Hand Brings Explosion of Color to Depot

This article originally appeared in the “Goleta Depot Dispatch,” Volume 38, Number 2, Summer 2018.

Keeping the Museum beautiful is an unending task – a chore always in need of helping hands from the community. One young lady in particular has stepped up to keep our treasured depot looking fresh and pretty as, well, as a wild flower.

Katelyn Rode, a ninth grader at San Marcos High School, has created a flower garden at the depot. The garden stretches 4 feet by 30 feet and is designed to attract Monarch butterflies. Moreover, it’s stocked with drought-tolerant plants.

Katelyn’s arduous labors were part of her earning the difficult Silver Award as a Senior Girl Scout with Troop 50886. “I enjoyed working on this project, as I learned great skills, including fundraising,” says Katelyn. The project not only helps the Depot but also “educates the public about the plight of the Monarch butterfly and provides a new habitat for butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.”

The depot most heartily thanks Katelyn and her fellow scouts in Troop 50886. We’re glad the youth of our community are appreciating the treasure of our historic depot!

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