Railroad Days – August 10 & 11, 2019

Enjoy the fun at the historic Goleta Depot: Railroad Days!

August 10 & 11, 2019 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Admission $5.00 (children under 34″ are free)

2017-08-10_1115Miniature-Train Rides

Museum engines 1316 and 2655 will offer rides on the 1/6-mile “Westside Figure-8” track and the Centennial Loop throughout the weekend.

Handcar Rides

rotary day june 2018 2You’ll need to use those arm muscles to help propel the museum handcar on this unique experience that reminds us of the early history of American railroading.

Handcars were developed during the 19th century. They were used primarily to transport railroad workers and equipment.

For safety, all handcar riders must be at least 48 inches tall. The ride is not suitable for persons who have problems maintaining their balance.

Kids Activities

29872071_1813882411997876_1283615392909513528_oFrom train rides and bounce house to story time and arts and crafts, young children will enjoy the railroading adventure at the Depot.

Toy & Model Trains


You’ll find operating model trains, as well as static displays, throughout the museum and grounds. All popular gauges will be represented.

“Unclaimed Freight & Baggage” Sale


Pick up some great bargains at this unique sale of new and used model-railroad supplies, railroad-theme videos and magazines, toys, books, and many other items. All proceeds benefit the railroad museum. Unclaimed freight and baggage will be available both days

Lush Melodies

rick reevesRick Reeves is in the house! Tuneful talent Rick Reeves will be serenading the crowd with his guitar plucking, stirring vocals and rock ballads.

Goleta Depot Open House

Take a tour of the landmark building, which is listed on the National Register Of Historic Places and the California Register of historical and cultural resources.

2017-08-10_1205The historic Freight Office and Waiting Room will be open for viewing throughout the event. Sunday only will be your once-a-year chance to visit the upstairs apartment, where Goleta Depot’s agents and their families lived.